The Swiss Army knife revolutionized the world by putting the most effective tools to managing any situation at people’s fingertips. After nearly 40 years of training and developing the leaders, managers and personnel of thousands of companies and teams around the world, Mark Kamin & Associates has found and curated the most powerful and effective distinctions that cause human beings to perform at an extraordinary level.
We designed the Foundations Of High Performance Program that will provide you with the tools to establish the foundational pillars on which an extraordinary organization can thrive. Within an 8-10 hour program, you and your team will experience a significant leap in performance on an individual, team and organizational level.
You will get a whole new perspective on how to communicate with each other effectively, strive to always operate at a very high level of workability, take ownership over your work, and get access to ending self-sabotaging behavior.
The Promise of the Program
A breakthrough in your performance.
Breakthrough: noun. A sudden, dramatic and important advance or successful development. (Webster’s Dictionary)
Program Content
Topic 1: Integrity – The Foundation Of High Performance.
Topic 2: Existence – Putting Integrity into practice.
Topic 3: Responsibility/Cause in the Matter – A context for performance.
Topic 4: Communication – Talking does not equal communication….connecting equals communication.
Topic 5: Rackets – Removing the constraint of self-sabotage.
Topic 6: Committed Speaking and Listening – Having interaction produce integrity and accountability.
Topic 7: Context – The decisive factor in relating to life.
Topic 8: New Paradigm for Performance – How to alter your behavior without self-imposed and suppressive discipline.
Topic 9: Culture – Transforming organizational culture.
Projects/Assignments/Group Work
In parallel with the sessions, we will encourage you, as part of the work we will be doing, to undertake a project of your choosing related to your current role. Your project should exist to fulfill the answer to the question:
“What breakthrough am I committed to having around my accountability.”
Your project will:
a) give you immediate positive impact on some area, and
b) provide a laboratory to explore and implement what you are learning in the program.